Saturday, June 1, 2013

the wedding tree

I got to try a brand new painting project last week. Some friends of my dad's had a lovely mountain wedding ceremony, which my dad officiated. I have seen versions of this wedding tree around on-line and really wanted to give it a try. The cute part of this tree is that the wedding guests make the leaves with their fingerprints. In this case the couple's wedding colors were maroon and yellow, which made for a lovely autumn tree.

Materials Needed:
Paints & Brushes
Alphabet Stickers

I made the background with several colors of cream and brown, with a final coat of pearlescent clear paint for the shiny effect. For the tree I used a darker brown, finishing with cream and gold highlights. I placed hearts and spelled out the names of the bride and groom with stickers, then painted the grassy knoll using greens and yellows. After the paint dried, it was just a matter of peeling off the stickers to reveal the hearts and names. The painting was finally done when the wedding guests placed their fingerprints on the tree. I was told that the painting was a hit, and I hope that I can do it again for other weddings.

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